In my first article, I told you why I am taking to SubStack as a means of more effectively communicating with my constituents, and a wider national, even global, audience. Few elected officials possess the desire to afford full transparency to a world fed up with government corruption.
It is now obvious to many that an inordinate share of elected officials become involved in politics or government for personal or professional enrichment, which leads to an individual of this type becoming compromised, controllable, and ultimately corrupt. I'm going to use this space to give you a brief glimpse into my thought process in pursuing public office for the first time.
I have been a conservative Republican as long as I can remember, watching Ronald Reagan on my console TV as a small child, voting for the first time in the infamous 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, which kept us on pins and needles with the hanging chads debacle, and raising my own five children with the same conservative, Christian values that my parents raised me with. I voted like a good little citizen, watched the right conservative news outlets, and celebrated when my candidate won, and complained, but moved on, when I was on the losing side.
Then 2020 happened, changing everything. The atrocities of the Covid scamdemic, and the obviously stolen election, shook me out of my pleasant slumber. I saw our rights and freedoms as citizens of the most amazing country in the entire world get trampled upon in the most shocking ways imaginable. Schools were shuttered, churches were empty, and tyranny was rearing its ugly head in every facet of our lives. Americans watched seemingly insurmountable leads in that year's election vanish after a lengthy pause in the vote counting process and convenient occurrences, such as water pipes bursting, occurred in the pivotal states. My own state of Arizona, which has backed exactly one Democratic presidential candidate since 1952, was called with virtually none of the vote counted, which set off the steal in the Midwest. Windows into counting rooms were covered, hundreds of thousands of ballots were found in just the right places, and the new phenomenon of candidates who hid in their basements and couldn't even string a thoughtful sentence together winning key elections began.
I never in my wildest imagination thought that I would end up running for elected office. Quite frankly, the idea of being a politician caused a feeling of acute nausea to rise in my core; however, I couldn't just stand by as my REPUBLICAN elected officials compromised and sold out their constituents, while woke ideology and Marxism continued to seep into the country I have always loved so dearly. No longer was I okay with the leftist agenda threatening to brainwash my children and compromise everything I know to be right and true.
This is why I'm here. By the grace of God, I was elected as a grassroots underdog, and as long as I carry this governmental mantle, I will continue to fight to reestablish control of our Constitutional Republic to you, the people of this great nation. Of, by, and for the people. Not of, by, and for the lobbyists. Not of, by, and for the selfish, corrupt politicians.Â
My seat in LD-17 is one of the most coveted targets for my Democrat opponents, and I need your help. I am not able to operate paid subscriptions on SubStack, but would be grateful for your contribution to my campaign, which can be made here.
God bless you. You’re a better person than me. I will fight like hell when the time comes, as a warrior. But as a politician, I fail miserably. Good luck to you, I shall try to help.
Good to see stories like yours. Belief that the Bible is the literal, unerring Word of God, and the only Truth that there is is the gaping hole we must fill. The National and Familial levels plus all others in between all of eual importance. I live in another state, but am intrigued and hopefully will learn a lot about how things look from your perspective. It is so hard to trust any info. from any direction @ this point.I have a similar story to yours in that I truly believed in an America where the Right of Freedom of Speech was drilled into my head by everything, & everyone I knew(unfortunately more than the Bible)...I assumed that the little red flags of stuff that seemed to not work out, or stories that just vanished were a case of "state, or fed. government laziness, or stupidity", & certainly not the norm or On Purpose.November 2020.My eyes were wide opened. It all fell into place. I hope you are what you say.I would have just believed b4,but we have learned to trust no one except God(Jesus). The lies that have done the most damage were told by those I once supported whole heartedly.I hope we can get more and more local level citizens awake with a way to focus positively, the truths we now know.We have a chance to be alive to remake our situation as human beings into something very wonderful, or very bad. I look forward to seeing you help in the very important AZ.Good Luck, and God Bless(please always look 2 Him 1st-He IS the only way angst Satan), Chin Up our prayers are with you!